This, the 40th issue of our journal Richmond History, is priced at £5 (£4 for members) and is now available postage free, if you live in the UK, from our online bookshop via the link below.
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This issue of Richmond History covers three centuries and has articles on:
- General Gordon Forbes of Ham Common
- the Roberts family of Cardigan House on Richmond Hill
- the role of Kew’s Victoria Working Men’s Club in the First World War
- the history of the long-demolished Sheen Lodge in Richmond Park
- historic seats in Kew Gardens
- early performances at Richmond Theatre, which this year celebrates its 120th anniversary
- the rise of the local branch of the Left Book Club during the 1930s
- the almost forgotten Grove Road Gardens in Richmond
- memories of the Ivy menswear shop on Hill Rise, Richmond.
Find out more about other issues of Richmond History:
An index to issues 1 to 39 of Richmond History is now available online. You can view the index or download it as a PDF.