When Richmond resident Betty Nuthall won the women’s singles title at the US National Championships in 1930, The New Yorker described her as “England’s most photographed female”. Rose Barling tells Betty’s story in Richmond History 42, our 2021/22 journal, which also features Richmond Park.
Ground-breaking research by new contributor Timothy M M Baker reveals the site of a World War II radio observatory in the park, which made pioneering discoveries about the Sun as a radio source.
And, using extracts from historic maps drawn up over the past 400 years, Dr Robert Wood looks at what they can tell us about the park’s history. The six maps are illustrated in colour.
In this issue are:
- Betty Nuthall, Richmond’s queen of the court (Rose Barling)
- A history of Richmond in six maps (Robert Wood)
- Richmond Park, radio astronomy’s birthplace in Richmond Park (Timothy M M Baker)
- Petersham philanthropist Tony Rampton (Judy Weleminsky)
- The history and development of St Mary Magdalene’s Church, Richmond (Paul Velluet)
- Organising World War I ex-servicemen in Richmond (Steven Woodbridge)
- 18th-century highway robbery in Richmond (Simon Fowler)
- Charlotte Papendiek’s recollections of Kew (John Moses)
- A family who lived at 4 Clarence Road, Kew (Kate McRae)
- Pillar boxes in Kew (Caroline Blomfield)
This issue of our journal has 94 pages, more than 30 in colour.
Copies are available (£5 members, £7 non-members) from our online bookshop. You can also buy the journal and our other publications from The National Archives’ shop, Kew Bookshop, The Open Bookshop in Richmond, Parade’s End Books in Ham, Richmond Local Studies and the Museum of Richmond.