Walk: Richmond’s historic riverside villas – past and present. Guided by Paul Velluet, with Chris Sumner 

Date(s) - Wednesday 31 July 2024
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


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This walk, led by the Society’s President, Paul Velluet, together with local landscape historian, Chris Sumner, includes a rare visit to the grounds of the Grade I listed, 18th-century Asgill House built on the site of Henry VIII’s royal palace brewhouseMeet at 7.00 pm outside the Richmond Theatre on Little Green.

This walk is free for members of the Society.  We start at 7.00 pm and conclude by 9.00 pm, adjourning to a historic local pub. 

Image: https://libraryblog.lbrut.org.uk/

**  This walk is part of a series of summer 2024 walks organised by Paul Velluet, the Society’s President. Although it is free for members of the Society, numbers are limited to a maximum of 20 people and all the walks are now fully booked.