Richmond History 37 (2016): The Journal of Richmond Local History Society

Journal 37 cover (2)The 37th issue of our annual journal, Richmond History, was published in May 2016.

It includes:

  • A study, by former Richmond Council leader Sir David Williams, of the rise of the Liberal Party in Richmond upon Thames in the 1970s
  • Richmond’s “Imps”: Steven Woodbridge on the Junior Imperial League in the 1920s
  • Major Archibald Hook: the life of a soldier and litigant who lived in Petersham, by Vanessa Fison, author of The Matchless Vale
  • The Victorian burial ground of the Vineyard Chapel by Peter Flower
  • The Thistle and the Rose: The second instalment of a two-part series by Ron McEwen (author of our publication Scotland-upon-Thames), on the many influential Scots, including members of the royal House of Stuart, who made their home in the borough
  • An appreciation of our late Chairman, Norman Radley

The price of the journal is £5 (£4 to members). To find out how to buy a copy go to our Bookshop page. Our online prices include postage and packing.

Find out more about other issues of Richmond History:

An index to issues 1 to 38 of Richmond History is now available online.