West London History Conference: Threads Through Time – textiles and clothing in West and South-West London history

Date(s) - Saturday 5 April 2025
10:00 am - 4:30 pm

Duke Street Church

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Please put a note in your diary about the 2025 West London Local History Conference. The conference, which is always popular and well attended, will follow a similar format to last year’s and, once again, will be held at Duke Street Church, Richmond.

The conference is jointly organised by local history societies in west and south-west London, including the Richmond Local History Society.

The programmme will be published in due course. It will include talks on Mortlake Tapestries, the Footprints Studio (early twentieth-century fabrics and clothing made in Hammersmith and Brentford) and the rag trade in Edwardian Hounslow,

The proceedings will start at 10am and the doors will open at 9:30 am.